The Complex is Made of the Simple

"All evil is corrective and remedial and is therefore not permanent. It is rooted in ignorance, ignorance of the true nature and relation of things, and so long as we remain in that state of ignorance, we remain subject to evil."

James Allen

reserve your mindful read
one email a week
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  • 7 May 2024


    Have you ever wondered about the phrase ‘rewire your brain ‘? It’s a concept often mentioned, but do we actually grasp its meaning? Renowned authors delve into the idea of ‘rewired’. This sparked our curiosity about our brain’s potential. Let’s clear up the confusion between rewiring and reprogramming your brain. […]
    29 April 2024

    Kintsugi path

    This weekend, I completed one of my kintsugi pieces. Every journey begins with a single step.
    19 April 2024

    I realize how ignorant I am

    I realize how ignorant I am. At first, it was painful. Then, something tried to convince me it wasn’t so bad. It whispered, “It may have been a lot worse.” I tried to calm myself down and boosted my ego. It attempted to change the subject, insisting on past victories. […]
    18 April 2024


    I admire artists, who are able to transfer emotions into their art, make it visible. It is natural for me to “catch” these emotions. It requires no concentration, analysis, or critique. It requires nothing, but being honest with yourself.
    4 April 2024

    The Cost of Failure

    "It does not matter how frequently someone succeeds if failure is too costly to bear".
    3 April 2024

    The Concept of a Lie

    The concept of a lie usually requires at least two people: a transmitter of the lie and a receiver. First one transmits false information to deceive and benefits from it. Second, receives it, analyzes it, and decides how to perceive it - as a true or false statement.
    28 March 2024

    The Lesson of Evil

    Ignorance is usually perceived as something negative, in fact, I always perceived it as something negative, inevitable, and demotivating since I was about 6 years old. It was constant anticipation of failure at the test. That was ignorance for me for 30 years.